Elizabeth Warren Kicks Ass, So Does Kathryn Bigelow – Your Morning Coffee
Is Mexico’s new President getting advice from John Edwards? Maybe. Kathryn Bigelow cleans up, again, at NYC Critics Awards. Atlanta City Council gets a 50% pay raise after 8 years. Can they just make...
View ArticleRed? Blue? Purple.
You’ve heard them, the Democrats claiming “we’re going to turn Georgia blue” in 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2018… I grew tired of this trumpeting in 2009 when we first started hearing about the...
View ArticleNames that Matter
BatGurl here! Alive and well. (Be honest, you thought I was gone, didn’t you?) Given all the commenting going on down below, seems like as good a time as any to actually talk about names that matter....
View Article1139 Days
Till the polls open on November 8th 2016. Are you ready? No really, I’m asking. Seems to be an awful lot of chatter on the internets about this race already and Georgia’s sixteen electoral votes comes...
View ArticleWho Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story?*
Knock.Knock. Hello, is anyone out there? In the wake of the Great Peach Pundit Blogger Breakup I felt the timing might be right to dust off my password and see if this thing still works. It appears it...
View ArticleOk, I’ve had enough of the fucking crybabies.
You can either listen up or not, Bernie or Bust people, but here’s the scoop from someone who at one time was sympathetic to your cause. I’ve been a supporter of Bernie Sanders for years. Not just some...
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